A Dingo’s Got My Baby!by Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton
Page after page demolishes the myths and fables that have been spun around a nation’s obsession with the baby’s disappearance.’
– The Sydney Morning Herald
What first struck me on meeting Lindy was her sense of humour and surprising lack of bitterness. Here is a woman who has been under such macabre and intense public scrutiny and yet through all the tabloid hysteria they haven’t managed to capture the real Lindy at all. There are so many myths about Lindy and the Chamberlain case that have still not been dispelled and to read this book is to get closer to the truth behind the story that has continued to fascinate Australia for the past 24 years.’
– Miranda Otto, Actress
Purchase the Book “A Dingo’s Got My Baby!”
A fully updated, autographed edition of Lindy’s book Through My Eyes, originally published in 1990, updated and expanded in 2004 and again 2015, including 16 pages of photos. The cover and name have been updated to reflect the international edition.
A Dingo’s Got My Baby!BOOK
$30.00 + 9.00
Only for autographed books posted to Australian addresses. For addresses outside of Australia, kindly order through Amazon.com
An excerpt from the book:
Bubby, no God, oh no, not my baby. It’s not true. She is there. Something else, God, not her. She must be dead or she’d cry. Not a sound and those empty scattered blankets. My feet feel like lead as I clear the fence and dive into the tent headlong. I scream to Michael as I run that the dingo has the baby, with one hand on Reagan to feel his heartbeat and check he is alive and the other lifting those awful scattered blankets. The basket rolls as I bump my hand on the edge. It wouldn’t do that if she was in it. I think I’m going to be sick. I touch the carry basket. It’s really empty. It’s no bad dream—and it’s still warm, even her dummy is still warm. She’s so little. So little and so precious. Reagan has his sleeping bag hood up and his face buried in the pillow. He never sleeps like that. Not ever. Boot him hard. He wriggles at last. He’s alive. Thank you God for his life—it could be both of them. Azaria, oh Azaria, what’s happened to you, what is happening to you? Your bed’s still warm and it’s so cold out there. ‘Oh God, oh God help me,’ I cry in my heart. I turn and dive out of the tent again the direction the dingo went. It is like standing outside myself and watching someone else moving in slow motion. So many things done so quickly, so little time gone. Three seconds, five seconds, from that first terrifying glimpse of an empty bed, and my scream to Michael. He seems to turn slowly as if someone has made a slow motion movie. Why hasn’t he run too. ‘What?’ God, he thinks I’m joking. Please God let him realise I’m serious and help me quickly. He’s had time to get to me, to chase that dingo, to get to here and help. He hasn’t moved and I’ve checked the tent and am out already. I scream again, ‘The dingo’s got my baby!’ I run to the right where the dingo headed and, and . . .
A few letters from those who have read the book
Hi, My daughter, who is 19, read your book last year and couldn’t put it down and said “Mum, you must read it” and I did. I want to say that you are a courageous and strong lady and that I am ashamed that our legal system treated you the way it did. You are also a gifted writer, among your other talents. (M.C., via email)
Dear Lindy, I have just this very afternoon finished reading your book’Through My Eyes’ and I just felt I had to tell you how amazing, thought provoking and truthful it was. Kindest Regards, M.(via email)
Dear Lindy, I had been meaning to read your autobiography for quite some time and it wasn’t until a month ago I finally picked it up off the shelf and purchased it to read on my honeymoon (as strange as that sounds). I was absolutely astonished to read of your most private, honest and memorable moments since the death of baby Azaria.
All the best with the years ahead Lindy, remember, you are an Australia icon not for a crime, but for your heroism to survive during the toughest of times and gracefully and forgivingly come through with your faith stronger on the other side.
You are an inspiration to me and so many others. Yours truly, M. S. (via email)
Your book was easy to read, factual and both frank and intimate in the details you were willing to expose. (A.G., via email)
Lindy’s book is available in ebook format. Click on the following link to go to the publishers page, where you can see more about the book, and links to order from Amazon or other online bookstores, for instant download to your e-reader: Download Dingos Got My Baby
Who’s the Tenant in Your Head?
This is a frequently requested topic wherever Lindy speaks. It is because few could ever emerge from such a horror with humour and personality intact, as Lindy has. How could you acknowledge the wrong done, and sort where the blame really lies, then free yourself from it?
On this DVD Lindy talks about forgiveness, revenge, and holding a grudge. Taken from lessons she learned in prison and since, this is a fascinating and enlightening talk that teaches the real meaning and purpose of forgiveness.
Lindy says, “When I was in prison I wondered how I was to move on with my life and deal with the injustices dealt to me, on top of the death of my beautiful daughter. I realized that what I traditionally thought of as the concept of forgiveness was very far from the truth.
What was forgiveness really all about? What was the real point of forgiveness? How could I reconcile traditional forgiveness with what had happened to me, and the normal human desire for justice? And then I realized I had it all backwards; I had the choice of who the tenant in my head was. It was that simple.” (42 minutes, DVD)
Purchase the DVD “Who’s the Tenant in Your Head?”
DVD available only to Australian addresses.
Who’s the Tenant in Your Head?DVD
$25.00 + $6.00 postage
I’d Like to Ask Lindy …
A frequent speaker for civic groups, churches and media, Lindy is often asked about many other topics because, after her experiences, people realize that her answers have huge credibility; they have been tested and found to true and workable.
An inquisitive church pastor asked if he could have a wide-ranging conversation with Lindy covering a number of topics, and this DVD is the result. These conversations are honest, insightful and inspirational and offer solutions for the tough times and show how to understand faith in the middle of a storm.
Here is what they talked about: The impact of the Trial, Prison, and the loss of a Daughter; Freedom, Forgiveness, and Moving Forward; Perspectives on Love, Family, Step-parenting, and Facing the Future. (Four conversations, 102 minutes, DVD)
Purchase the DVD “I’d Like to Ask Lindy”
DVD available only to Australian addresses.